5月は以下の日時でメルボルン大学のJulie Choiさんをお招きして
2024年5月29日 08:00-9:00 AM 大阪、札幌、東京 オンライン
Title: Exploring Opportunities and Challenges of Crafting Arts-Rich Translanguaging Picture Books with Language Minoritized Communities (言語的少数派コミュニティで、アートに富んだトランスランゲージングの絵本を作る機会と課題を探る )
Speaker: Julie Choi
Abstract: In this presentation, I explore how arts-rich translanguaging picture book making experiences offer opportunities for children and parents from diverse language minoritized communities in Melbourne, Australia. These experiences can foster community building, resourceful language and literacy engagement, facilitate the transformation of language ideologies and multilingual identity development. I also address the challenges of crafting arts-rich translanguaging picture books with language minoritized communities, emphasizing the need for educators and researchers to be sensitive to creating spaces for language resistance and reclamation. BioAssociate Professor Julie Choi leads the Master of TESOL and Master of Modern Languages Education courses in the Faculty of Education, University of Melbourne. She is co-editor and author of multiple books on language, culture, identity, autoethnography, plurilingualism, and academic writing.
主催:INTJ(International Network for Translingual Japanese / 国際繋生語ネットワーク)