Postgraduate Student Workshop
Friday, 1 September 2023
Three-minutes thesis speech by postgraduate students
Early career guest speakers and Q&A
Time: 9 am – 12:30 pm
Location: K-C20-6, Morven Brown, UNSW Sydney

To provide an opportunity for graduate students to develop their research further by receiving feedback from reviewers and other workshop participants so they can shape their research into their 3-minute speeches. By listening to and commenting on the speeches of other presenters, students will broaden their perspectives and d develop their critical skills.
To create a network among graduate students involved in Japanese Studies (e.g., History, Culture, Literature, Sociology, Japanese Language Education, Japanese Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Translation-Interpretation etc.) as well as heritage/community language education which can lead to support and encouragement for each other.
To offer an opportunity to listen to early career speakers talking about how they gained their present employment and how their workplaces are after completing their master's or doctoral theses, which helps postgrad students think about their own future careers.
Three-Minute Thesis Speech
Three-Minute Thesis Speech is an excellent opportunity to showcase your research project to a new audience and explain your thesis in language appropriate to a non-specialist audience in just three minutes.
Early Career Guest Speaker
We will invite early career guest speakers to inform about career options and pathways after submitting their thesis. Our guest speakers are former students who recently completed master’s or doctoral thesis. They will share career aspirations and experiences in getting jobs after completing their degrees, followed by a Q&A session. The guest speakers, or senpai, will reflect on their postgraduate work and the kinds of career paths they thought they would take after graduating including how they got their current job.
Senpai Guest
Dr. Laura Emily Clark (University of New England, Australia): Japanese Contemporary Literature
Dr. Sally Chan (Macquarie University, Australia): Second Language Acquisition
Associate Prof. Sean O’Reilly (Akita International University, Japan): Japanese History, Pop Culture, and Cinema
Associate Prof. Kaori Shimasaki (Tohoku University, Japan): Japanese Language Education and Teacher Education
Dr. Tetsushi Ohara (Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan): Language Education (Japanese, English)
key dates
April 30, 2023: PG Scholarship Application Closes
May 25, 2023: Decision on the PG Scholarship Application
July 31, 2023: PG Workshop Registration Closes
Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to send an email to (*change # to @ when you send an email)
JSAA-ICNTJ2023 Postgraduate Student Workshop Organising Committee
Member Yuji Okawa UNSW Sydney/Redlands
Member Takuya Kojima Australian National University
Member Akiko Hiratsuka University of Technology Sydney
Member Kaori Matsuzaki Osaka University