Biennial Conference of the Japanese Studies Association of Australia 2023/ International Conference of the Network for Translingual Japanese Theme: Living in a post-Covid Society: Mobility of People and Language across Borders for Social Integration 豪州日本研究学会研究大会 /国際繋生語大会 ポストコロナの社会を生きる:人とことばの移動、越境、融合(つなぐ、わたる、のりこえる)

While there are iconic icons of Sydney, such as the Opera House, there are also lush natural areas in and around Sydney, such as the Bluemountains. オペラハウスのようなシドニーを象徴するアイコンもありますが、シドニーやその周辺にはBluemountainsのような豊かな自然もあります。

Biennial Conference of the Japanese Studies Association of Australia 2023/ International Conference of the Network for Translingual Japanese Theme: Living in a post-Covid Society: Mobility of People and Language across Borders for Social Integration 豪州日本研究学会研究大会 /国際繋生語大会 ポストコロナの社会を生きる:人とことばの移動、越境 、融合(つなぐ、わたる、のりこえる)
What's new?
August 18, 2023 Abstracts open.
Biennial Conference of the Japanese Studies Association of Australia 2023/ International Conference of the Network for Translingual Japanese
Theme: Living in a post-Covid Society: Mobility of People and Language across Borders for Social Integration
The joint JSAA-ICNTJ 2023 conference will bring cutting-edge research across all areas of Japanese Studies and related fields to the fore, including a feature on Japanese as a heritage and community language. After a hiatus of face-to-face networking, the conference will be a venue to engage researchers in all fields of Japanese Studies and Japanese Language (Education) through discussions that relate to (but are not limited to) the movement of people, artifacts and language across borders in a Post-COVID society. The conference will delve into new ways of considering mobility, diversity and social integration where decolonisation and globalisation in, and of, Japan may be considered in a different light.
Various social events including a Multilingual/Multicultural/Multisensory Precincts Walking Tour and a Japanese Community Language School Visit will be organised to offer lived experiences of the dynamism and diversity of Sydney. These events aim to give participants the chance to develop and expand the conference themes of mobility, diversity and social integration in situ.
University of New South Wales (UNSW)
University of Technology Sydney (UTS)
The University of Sydney
In principle, the event will be held onsite. Unless you are in exceptional circumstances, you can not present online. Please note that we may not be able to meet your request for online presentation. Only keynote speeches and online sessions will be available for online registrants.
September 1 – September 3, 2023
Keynote Speakers
Prof. Ken Cruickshank
Director, Sydney Institute for Community Language Education, University of Sydney
Prof. Koichi Iwabuchi
School of Sociology, Kwansei Gakuin University
Prof. Claire Maree
Japanese Studies, University of Melbourne
Call for Papers
Authors are invited to send paper proposals of 250-500 words in English (or 600-1200 characters in Japanese) and a short bio via easychair JSAA-ICNTJ. Click here to signup.
Important Dates:
November 2022 Call for papers open
February 28, 2023 Call for papers closes → Closed
April 1, 2023 Registration opens
April 15, 2023 Decision on proposals→ Decision has been sent to all corresponding authors.
May 6, 2023 Registration opens
June 30, 2023 Early bird registration closes → Extended to June 30, 2023
July 31, 2023 Registration closes → Extended to July 31, 2023
Session Types:
1. Research-Oriented Presentation (30 or 60 minutes)
These presentations should include a clearly indicated research topic, a brief literature review, an overview of the research methodology and findings, and a discussion of the implications for theory and/or practice. 60-minute sessions will be suitable for larger projects with multiple presenters. All sessions should include some time for Q&A.
2. Practice-Oriented Presentation or Workshop (30 or 60 minutes)
This is a session where participants report on their teaching methods, teaching practices, or other education-related activities. This is a hands-on session that provides participants with an opportunity to learn something new; a 60-minute session should include a hands-on workshop.
3. Forum/Panel (90 minutes)
Multiple presenters give presentations on a similar topic, or hold a panel discussion (6 presenters maximum).
4. Poster Session (90 minutes)
Poster presentations allow for short, informal discussion between the presenter(s) and attendees, as attendees circulate within the poster-session area. Poster sessions serve as an important and interactive forum for sharing professional ideas and for receiving feedback.
Presentation topics:
Japanese language and society/community/日本語と社会・地域社会
Japanese language learning and learners/日本語学習と学習者
Second Language Acquisition of Japanese/日本語の第二言語習得
E-learning of Japanese/日本語のe-ラーニング
Japanese linguistics (theoretical, applied, socio, psycho…)/日本語の言語学(理論、応用、社会、心理...)
Communication studies/コミュニケーション研究
Language ideology/言語イデオロギー
Identity and language/アイデンティティと言語
Nikkei studies/日系研究
Japanese (popular) cultural studies/日本の(大衆)文化研究
Japanese literature/日本文学
Japanese History/日本史
Japanese Politics/日本の政治
A wide range of areas in Japanese studies/ 幅広い分野にわたる日本研究
Studies in relation to Japan and Japanese/日本および日本人に関連する研究
Japan and/in the global world/日本とグローバリゼーション
Japanese as heritage/community language/継承語・繋生語・コミュニティランゲージとしての日本語
JSAA-ICNTJ2023 organising committee
Chair Chihiro Kinoshita Thomson, UNSW Sydney
Co-Chair Makiko Matsuda, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Co-Chair Emi Otsuji, University of Technology Sydney
Co-Chair Yoko Yonezawa, The University of Sydney
Co-Chair Nagisa Fukui, UNSW Sydney
Co-Chair Masafumi Monden, The University of Sydney
Co-Chair Luke Sharp, University of Technology Sydney