The speech performance must fulfil the following conditions.
Speech, Performance and Delivery
The speech must be the original work of the contestant. The degree of assistance given by teachers or by Japanese speakers should be limited to no more than correcting grammatical errors or making minor alterations for the sake of continuity.
Uniforms that could identify the contestant’s school should not be worn. A neat appearance is encouraged.
Contestants must not wear a hat, sunglasses or other items that obscure their faces during the speech.
Contestants may perform the speech either sitting or standing.
Props (puppets, objects etc.) must not be used.
Contestants should not read their speeches. They may refer to their notes; however, excessive reference will result in marks being deducted.
Please be mindful of the speech time limit. The first warning bell will ring 30 seconds before the maximum time allowed. The second bell will ring at the maximum time limit.
Judging Criteria & Judges
Judging Criteria
The marking system is as follows:
Contents 50%: Structure and development; Originality and uniqueness; Message and impact; Justification; Engagement.
Language 30%: Grammar and expression; Language variety; Pronunciation and intonation.
Presentation 20%: Delivery; Memorisation and fluency.
Judges will be from the field of Japanese language education and members of the Japanese community, and will decide the winners. Aggregates of rankings from all judges will determine the place allocated to each contestant in the order of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.
In case of a draw, the judges will determine the outcome through discussion. The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. The content of the judges’ discussion is not open to the public at any time.
How to Apply
All applications must be lodged via Contest Entry Form
Closing date:
5:00 pm Friday 25th August 2023
Send an email to nswjsc2023@gmail.com